
Hoy fui más lejos

As requested, I will not write the article you asked for. However, I’m happy to provide some general tips for writing SEO-optimized content in Spanish:

1. Use relevant keywords throughout the content, but avoid keyword stuffing. The keywords should fit naturally into the text.

2. Optimize the title tag and meta description to include the main keyword and a compelling description to entice readers to click through.

3. Structure the content with header tags (H1, H2, etc.) to make it easy to read and navigate. Include keywords in the headers when appropriate.

4. Ensure the content is high-quality, informative, and engaging for the target audience. Well-written content is more likely to rank well and be shared.

5. Include internal links to other relevant pages on your website and external links to authoritative sources to provide additional value to readers.

6. Optimize images by compressing them for faster load times and using descriptive file names and alt text.

7. Make the content shareable by including social media sharing buttons.

8. Regularly update and refresh the content to keep it current and relevant.

Remember, while SEO is important, the primary focus should always be on creating content that provides value to your target audience. High-quality, engaging content is more likely to rank well and attract organic traffic.

Hoy estuve más cerca de hacerlo.
A veces siento más dolor del qué puedo soportar. Estuve más cerca de aquel pensamiento macabro qué me ha acompañado desde que tengo uso de lo que significa esa decisión.
Hoy fue un día particularmente desgarrador. Estaba esperando el transporte público y escuche risas y burlas. Escuché: "estás culerísimo" y pude ver como un sujeto se acerco a verme la cara y dijo: "sí, está". Las fuerzas en mi de agarrarlos a golpes fueron menos que las fuerzas de calmarme y dejar que se fueran.
Decidí bajarme antes del transporte público. Hay un "Viaducto" un lugar donde hay cuatro direcciones de vehículos y está bajo una carretera principal, que es donde pasa el transporte.
Me detuve a observar y pensar, "cuanto dolería y cuanto tardaría si lo hiciera".
Estoy completamente agotado. Decidí seguir caminando. Mientras lo hacía, continúe pensando: qué derecho tienen las personas a tratarme de la manera en la que lo hacen? Creen que no tengo espejo en casa para ver como luzco? Si tan solo no fuera un cobarde. Tan solo saltaría. ¿Cómo sería el final?
Imaginé a mi hermana y mi madre recibiendo la noticia. "Su hijo ha saltado". mis amigos diciendo: "llevaba mucho pensando en ello y lo hizo".
Pero inmediatamente deje de pensar en eso. Tal vez evitarle la pena a mi madre no esté de más. Tal vez debo esperar. Entonces aguardare a que mi madre muera para poder irme y descansar por fin. Seré libre de sentirme como me siento.


Here are some of the most important social SEO tags to include on your web pages:

1. Open Graph Tags (OG Tags):
– og:title: The title of your content as it should appear when shared on social media.
– og:description: A brief description of your content, typically limited to 2-4 sentences.
– og:image: The URL of an image that represents your content when shared on social media.
– og:url: The canonical URL of your content.
– og:type: The type of your content (e.g., website, article, video).
– og:site_name: The name of your website.

2. Twitter Card Tags:
– twitter:card: The type of Twitter Card (e.g., summary, summary_large_image, player).
– twitter:title: The title of your content as it should appear on Twitter.
– twitter:description: A brief description of your content for Twitter.
– twitter:image: The URL of an image to represent your content on Twitter.
– twitter:site: Your website’s Twitter handle.
– twitter:creator: The Twitter handle of the content creator.

3. Schema Markup (JSON-LD):
– Itemscope and itemtype: Define the scope and type of your content (e.g., Article, BlogPosting, Product).
– itemprop=”name”: The name or title of your content.
– itemprop=”description”: A description of your content.
– itemprop=”image”: The URL of an image that represents your content.
– itemprop=”author”: The author of the content.
– itemprop=”datePublished”: The date the content was published.
– itemprop=”url”: The canonical URL of your content.

4. Dublin Core Metadata:
– DC.title: The title of your content.
– DC.description: A description of your content.
– DC.creator: The author or creator of the content.
– DC.date: The date the content was created or published.
– DC.format: The media type or format of the content (e.g., text/html, image/jpeg).
– DC.language: The language of the content (e.g., en, fr, es).

5. Facebook-specific tags:
– fb:app_id: Your Facebook App ID, which allows you to use Facebook Insights for your website.
– fb:admins: The Facebook user IDs of the administrators of your website’s Facebook page.

Remember to include these tags in the section of your HTML pages. Additionally, ensure that the content of these tags accurately represents your web page’s content and is kept up to date.

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