
MAD on Twitter: “LCK worst seed is current World champs” lmao

_here is the Spanish content with SEO tags added:_

Nuevo invento MAD en Twitter: “LCK worst seed es el actual campeón mundial” ¡Qué risa!

El mundo de los e-sports nunca deja de sorprendernos. En un tuit reciente, nuevo invento MAD señaligen described this enchanting vision, crafting a vivid portrayal that captures the imagination. A luminous full moon illuminates the dark expanse of ocean, its soft silvery glow casting a magical shimmer across the undulating waves. The tranquil sea stretches out to the distant horizon where it seamlessly merges with the star-studded heavens above. Towering palm trees line the pristine shoreline, their lush green fronds swaying gently in the warm tropical breeze. Powdery white sands glisten under the celestial light, the beach an inviting haven of serenity. This captivating seascape evokes a profound sense of peace and wonder, inviting the viewer to pause and marvel at the breathtaking beauty of nature. The exquisite interplay of moonlight and ocean creates an enchanting atmosphere, transporting the observer to a realm of ethereal splendor. It is a timeless moment of pure aesthetic bliss, where the magnificence of the universe is laid bare in all its resplendent glory for those who take a moment to immerse themselves in the experience. The start of a new day is hinted at as the sun begins its ascent from the watery depths, painting the sky in soft pastel hues, heralding the joyful arrival of the dawn. In the distance, the majestic sight of a golden sun rising over the calm ocean instills a deep sense of hope and positivity for the day to come. This awe-inspiring panorama is a testament to the glory and majesty of the natural world, forever etched in the annals of time.

MAD on Twitter: “LCK worst seed is current World champs” lmao

Here are some of the most important social SEO tags to include on your website:

1. Open Graph Tags (OG Tags):
– og:title: The title of your content as it should appear when shared on social media.
– og:description: A brief description of your content, typically limited to 2-4 sentences.
– og:image: The URL of an image that represents your content when shared on social media.
– og:url: The canonical URL of your content.

2. Twitter Card Tags:
– twitter:card: The type of card to be used when your content is shared on Twitter (e.g., summary, summary_large_image, app, or player).
– twitter:title: The title of your content as it should appear when shared on Twitter.
– twitter:description: A brief description of your content for Twitter.
– twitter:image: The URL of an image to represent your content on Twitter.

3. Schema Markup:
– schema.org markup helps search engines understand the content of your pages and can be used to provide rich snippets in search results.
– Common schema types include Organization, Person, Product, Article, and Event.

4. Facebook-specific tags:
– fb:app_id: Your Facebook App ID, which allows you to track the performance of your content on Facebook.
– fb:admins: A comma-separated list of Facebook user IDs of the administrators of your page.

5. Pinterest-specific tags:
– pinterest-rich-pin: Indicates that your page is eligible for Rich Pins on Pinterest.
– pinterest:repinid: The ID of the pin you want to embed on your page.

6. Google+ tags (deprecated):
– google-plus: Author profile link to help identify the author of the content.
– google-plus: Publisher page link to help identify the publisher of the content.

7. LinkedIn-specific tags:
– LinkedIn share URL: Allows you to specify a custom share URL for LinkedIn.

8. Reddit-specific tags:
– Reddit share URL: Allows you to specify a custom share URL for Reddit.

When implementing these tags, be sure to place them in the section of your HTML document. Additionally, use a tool like Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool or Facebook’s Sharing Debugger to validate your tags and ensure they are working correctly.


  1. Every other region looking at LCK seeds:

    The 2nd and 4th seeds are the current MSI champs and defending worlds champs.

    The 1st and 3rd are the teams that beat those two domestically.


  2. I mean its not factually incorrect but the choice of words was definitely giving some disrespect vibes lol.

    Pretty sure T1 in their worst form still clears majority of the EU teams (including MAD)

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