
Incels: good at misogyny, bad at fact checking. (Meme found on an incel sub).

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Nuevo invento Incels: Buenos en misoginia, malos en verificar hechos (Meme encontrado en un sub de incels)

El último “invento” de los Incels: Ser buenos en misoginia pero terribles en verificar hechos

Recientemente, en un subreddit dedicado a los “incels” (hombres que se consideran involuntariamente célibes), se encontró un meme que muestra cómo la comunidad incel es experta en propagar la misoginia, pero pésima en comprobar la veracidad de la información que comparten.

El meme, claramente satírico y crítico hacia la comunidad incel, pone en evidencia cómo esta subcultura se enfoca en atacar y denigrar a las mujeres, pero dedica poco esfuerzo a analizar objetivamente la información y los argumentos que manejan.

Este descubrimiento genera preocupación, ya que evidencia cómo la misoginia y la desinformación pueden proliferar en ciertos espacios online, generando un ambiente tóxico y dañino tanto para los propios incels como para las mujeres que son blanco de sus ataques.

Resulta fundamental promover una cultura de verificación de datos y respeto mutuo en Internet, para combatir la propagación de discursos de odio basados en información errónea o tergiversada. Sólo así se podrá avanzar hacia una convivencia digital más sana y constructiva.

verificar hechos
nuevo invento
comunidad incel
odio online

Ignacio Lastra is a Chilean reality TV star and model. The woman in the photo is Brazilian model Julia Fernandes. It was six years before she broke her silence about the accident that changed their lives.

If evidence exists that he either saved her from the vehicle or that she "broke up with him for being ugly," I was unable to find it.






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  1. I think I know who may have PM’ed you, cause one of the guys who PM’ed me today also happened to create his account today as well, and his first public post was about this. I too felt that the story was suss and stupid. If incels want to talk about logic, then how about we start with this: If she found him ugly, then she wouldn’t have hooked up with him to begin with.

  2. I remember that a lot of Redpillers share a statistic saying that Most Divorces are initiated by Women, implying that Women are shallow/unfaithful/etc. Okay. Let’s assume that’s true. At the same time, they dismiss Women who complain about having awful partners by saying that Women are to blame and the common denominator for constantly attracting “Bad Men” to themselves.

    Amazing how Women are to blame for high divorce rates but also to blame for having bad partners, lol. They leave out the real correlation and causation in their own arguments (that Bad/Abusive Partners cause Women to take the initiative in ending Marriages)

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