
League of Legends / Valorant account, 164 Champs, 500+ League Skins, Rare Original Championship Riven, PAX Sivir. Valorant with champions 2022 vandal etc. – PM ME OFFER

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¡Oferta increíble! Cuenta de League of Legends y Valorant con 164 campeones, más de 500 skins y contenido exclusivo – ¡Envíame tu oferta!

Cuenta única de League of Legends y Valorant con 164 campeones, más de 500 skins, Riven del Campeonato Original, Sivir PAX y Vandal Campeones 2022. ¡No pierdas esta oportunidad! Envíame tu oferta ahora.

¡Gran oportunidad! Cuenta de League of Legends y Valorant con contenido exclusivo y único

Si eres un apasionado de League of Legends y Valorant, no puedes dejar pasar esta increíble oferta. Te presentamos una cuenta única que te brindará una experiencia de juego sin igual.

Características destacadas de la cuenta de League of Legends:

  • 164 campeones desbloqueados y listos para jugar.
  • Más de 500 skins exclusivas para personalizar a tus campeones favoritos.
  • Riven del Campeonato Original: una skin extremadamente rara y codiciada por los jugadores.
  • Sivir PAX: otra skin exclusiva y difícil de obtener.

Características especiales de la cuenta de Valorant:

  • Vandal Campeones 2022: un arma exclusiva y única para dominar el campo de batalla.
  • Acceso a todos los agentes y sus habilidades especiales.

Esta cuenta es perfecta para los jugadores experimentados que buscan llevar su experiencia de juego al siguiente nivel, así como para los nuevos jugadores que deseen acceder a contenido exclusivo desde el principio.

¿Cómo adquirir esta increíble cuenta?

Es muy fácil, simplemente envíame tu oferta por mensaje privado y con gusto te proporcionaré todos los detalles para que puedas hacerla tuya. No dejes pasar esta oportunidad única y aprovecha este extraordinario paquete de League of Legends y Valorant.

¡Adquiere esta cuenta única y conviértete en el envidiado de tus amigos y enemigos en el campo de batalla!

Nota: Esta cuenta se proporciona únicamente con fines de entretenimiento y no viola ningún término de servicio de Riot Games. El comprador asume toda la responsabilidad una vez adquirida la cuenta.

– League of Legends
– Valorant
– Cuenta de League of Legends
– Cuenta de Valorant
– Campeones de League of Legends
– Skins de League of Legends
– Riven del Campeonato Original
– Sivir PAX
– Vandal Campeones 2022
– Oferta de cuenta de League of Legends
– Oferta de cuenta de Valorant
– Cuenta con contenido exclusivo
– Cuenta con contenido único
– Cuenta con campeones desbloqueados
– Cuenta con skins exclusivas
– Cuenta con agentes de Valorant desbloqueados

Hello, I am selling my old League of legends account which comes with my valorant account. Here are the details below:

League of Legends














Old Account from Season 2, EUW – Level 85, Currently Silver 4, Peak Plat 4 in Season 7. 164 Champions, 510 skins including:

-PAX Sivir

-Championship Riven 2012


Ranked History:

Flex – Gold II

Solo Q:

S2024 S1 – Silver 3

S2020 – Silver 1

S8 – Gold 5

S7 – Platinum 4

S6 – Gold 1

S5 – Platinum 5

S4 – Platinum 5

S3 – Gold



Full List of League skins:


Ultimate Skins

  • Pulsefire Ezreal
  • Elementalist Lux
  • DJ Sona
  • Spirit Guard Udyr

Mythic Skins

  • Soulstealer Vayne
  • Hextech Janna
  • Victorious Maokai
  • Victorious Morgana
  • Victorious Sivir
  • Victorious Graves
  • Victorious Elise
  • Victorious Orianna
  • Victorious Kog’Maw
  • Victorious Maokai
  • Victorious Graves
  • Victorious Sivir
  • Soulstealer Vladimir

Legendary Skins

  • Dark Star Thresh
  • God Fist Lee Sin
  • Final Boss Veigar
  • Super Galaxy Kindred
  • Blood Moon Thresh
  • Project: Ashe
  • Dawnbringer Riven
  • Battlecast Prime Cho'Gath
  • Dragonblade Riven
  • Lunar Goddess Diana
  • Blood Lord Vladimir
  • Cosmic Reaver Kassadin
  • Project: Yasuo
  • Project: Zed
  • Omega Squad Twitch
  • Dark Star Orianna
  • SKT T1 Elise
  • SKT T1 Zed
  • Arcade Miss Fortune
  • Arcade Riven
  • Pulsefire Caitlyn
  • Super Kennen
  • Battlecast Alpha Skarner
  • Arcade Sona
  • Warring Kingdoms Azir
  • Super Galaxy Rumble
  • Pool Party Lee Sin
  • Mecha Kha’Zix
  • Forecast Janna
  • Battle Bunny Riven
  • Chosen Master Yi
  • Soul Reaver Draven
  • Steel Legion Lux
  • French Maid Nidalee
  • Sorceress Lux

Epic Skins

  • Cosmic Dawn Xayah
  • Cosmic Dawn Rakan
  • Blood Moon Yasuo
  • Blood Moon Kalista
  • Blood Moon Elise
  • Blood Moon Shen
  • Blood Moon Talon
  • Blood Moon Diana
  • Blood Moon Akali
  • Blood Moon Jhin
  • Blood Moon Kennen
  • Project: Yi
  • High Noon Twisted Fate
  • Pool Party Draven
  • Battlecast Xerath
  • Dragonslayer Braum
  • Warring Kingdoms Jarvan IV
  • Warring Kingdoms Tryndamere
  • Dragonslayer Vayne
  • Dark Valkyrie Diana
  • Redeemed Riven
  • High Noon Yasuo
  • Blood Moon Thresh
  • Warring Kingdoms Nidalee
  • Warring Kingdoms Katarina
  • Blood Moon Twisted Fate
  • Blood Moon Diana
  • Blood Moon Yasuo
  • Project: Lucian
  • Project: Zed
  • Worldbreaker Hecarim
  • SKT T1 Renekton
  • SKT T1 Alistar
  • Reaper Soraka
  • Musketeer Twisted Fate
  • Reaper Hecarim
  • Heartseeker Vayne
  • Heartseeker Ashe
  • Bloodfury Renekton
  • Mecha Malphite
  • Astronautilus

Legacy and Event Skins (Unavailable or Rare)

  • Neo Pax Sivir (Event Skin)
  • PAX Sivir (Event Skin Original)
  • Championship Riven 2012 (Event Skin Original)
  • Victorious Graves
  • Victorious Elise
  • Victorious Sivir
  • Victorious Orianna
  • Victorious Maokai
  • Victorious Morgana
  • Victorious Kog’Maw
  • Victorious Graves
  • Victorious Maokai
  • Cosmic Reaver Kassadin
  • Warring Kingdoms Tryndamere
  • Dragonslayer Vayne
  • Mecha Kha’Zix
  • Pool Party Renekton
  • Super Galaxy Rumble
  • Arcade Sona
  • Cosmic Dawn Xayah
  • Cosmic Dawn Rakan
  • Super Kennen
  • Blood Moon Talon
  • Blood Moon Jhin
  • Project: Ashe
  • Dawnbringer Riven
  • Arcade Miss Fortune

Raw List of Skins:

Victorious Kog’Maw, The Thousand-Pierced Bear, Victorious Orianna, Sand Wraith Pyke, Dark Star Orianna, Winged Hussar Xin Zhao, Omega Squad Twitch, Guardian of the Sands Rammus, Gragas Caskbreaker, Sacred Sword Janna, Soulstealer Vladimir, Surprise Party Amumu, Victorious Graves, Worlds 2016 Zed, Worlds 2017 Ashe, Star Guardian Soraka, Neo Pax Sivir, Dawnbringer Riven, Pulsefire Caitlyn, SKT T1 Elise, SKT T1 Ryze, Conqueror Karma, Project: Ashe, Cosmic Dawn Rakan, Cosmic Dawn Xayah, God Fist Lee Sin, Super Kennen, Pug’Maw, Renektoy, Moo Cow Alistar, Super Galaxy Kindred, Jack of Hearts Twisted Fate, Project: YI, Worldbreaker Hecarim, SKT T1 Kalista, Vandal Jax, Warring Kingdoms Azir, Barbecue Leona, Masked Shaco, Blood Moon Talon, Blood Moon Jhin, Blood Moon Diana, Blood Moon Twisted Fate, Sir Kled, Dark Star Thresh, Recon Teemo, Elderwood Leblanc, Baker Pantheon, Galactic Renekton, Definitely Not Vel’koz, Galactic Nasus, Bird of Prey Anivia, SKT T1 Renekton, SKT T1 Alistar, PROJECT: Lucian, Renegade Talon, Sakura Karma, Elementalist Lux, SKT T1 Azir, Perseus Pantheon, Enchanted Galio, Kennen M.D. Hot Rod Corki, Blood Moon Kennen, Bloodstone Taric, Snow Day Syndra, Traditional Karma, Obsidian Malphite, Phoenix Quinn, Iron Solari Leona, Sweetheart Sona, Soulstealer Vayne, Victorious Maokai, Reignited Worlds 2012 Riven, Ace of Spades Ezreal, Traditional Trundle, Freljord Taliyah, Blood Moon Yasuo, Armor of the fifth Age Taric, Draven Draven, High Noon Twisted Fate, Challenger Ahri, Challenger Nidalee, Pool Party Rek’sai, Victorious Sivir, Cosmic Reaver Kassadin, Pool Party Draven, Project: Zed, Worlds 2015 Kalista, Arcade Riven, Northern Storm Volibear, Captain Fortune, Bloodfury Renekton, Order of the Lotus Irelia, Knockout Lee Sin, Demolisher Nunu & Willump, Arcade Miss Fortune, Blackfrost Anivia, Sinful Succulence Morgana, Arclight Vayne, SSW Rengar, SSW Singed, SSW Talon, SSW Thresh, SSW Twitch, Blood Moon Zilean, Prototype Viktor, Pentakill Olaf, Asylum Shaco, Imperial Lux, Coral Reef Malphite, Definitely Not Udyr, Order of the Banana Soraka, Archduke Nasus, Urf the Nami-tee, Creator Viktor, Mecha Malphite, Full Metal Pantheon, Frostfire Annie, Runeguard Volibear, Totemic Maokai, Crimson elite Talon, Royal Guard Fiora, Dunkmaster Darius, Prom Queen Annie, Monarch Kog’Maw, Jade Fang Cassiopeia, Primetime Draven, Warden Nautilus, Reaper Soraka, Surprise Party Fiddlesticks, Hextech Janna, Earthrune Skarner, Eternum Rek’Sai, DJ Sona, Warden Sivir, Heartseeker Varus, Sweetheart Annie, Firecracker Jinx, Warring Kingdoms Katarina, Warring Kingdoms Nidalee, Gothic Orianna, Battlecast Alpha Skarner, Musketeer Twisted Fate, Blood Moon Elise, Blood Moon Kalista, Blood Moon Thresh, Spirit Guard Udyr, Poro Rider Sejuani, Winter Wonder Orianna, Snow Day Malzahar, Constable Trundle, Captain Volibear, Safecracker Evelynn, Pickpocket Twitch, Victorious Morgana, Ravenborn Leblanc, Shadow Prince Malzahar, Mecha Aatrox, Brolaf, Warmonger Sion, Underworld Wukong, Worlds 2014 Shyvana, Tundra Hunter Warwick, Commando Garen, Fnatic Corki, Fnatic Gragas, Fnatic Janna, Fnatic Jarvan IV, Fnatic Karthus, Dragon Fist Lee Sin, Galactic Azir, Project: Yasuo, Infernal Nasus, Sun Goddess Karma, Big Bad Warwick, Hired Gun Graves, Crime City Graves, Final Boss Veigar, Assassin Master Yi, Riot K-9 Nasus, Riot Kayle, Dino Gnar, Debonair Ezreal, Debonair Vi, Ghost Bride Morgana, Rugged Garen, Guerilla Tristana, Wicked Lulu, Special Forces Gangplank, Spectral Fiddlesticks, Waterloo Miss Fortune, Myrmidon Pantheon, Longhorn Alistar, Queen Ashe, Sewn Chaos Orianna, Oktoberfest Gragas, Outback Renekton, High Command Katarina, Goalkeeper Maokai, Red Card Twisted Fate, Striker Lucian, Superfan Gragas, Sweeper Alistar, Red Card Katarina, Striker Ezreal, River Spirit Nami, Blade Queen Lissandra, Headhunter Rengar, Dragonslayer Braum, Infiltrator Irelia, Glaive Warrior Pantheon, TPA Shen, TPA Nunu & Willump, TPA Mundo, TPA Orianna, SKT T1 Jax, SKT T1 Lee Sin, SKT T1 Vayne, SKT T1 Zed, SKT T1 Zyra, Atlantean Fizz, Frost Queen Janna, Reverse Annie, Ninja Rammus, Ironscale Shyvana, Atlantean Syndra, Jurassic Kog’Maw, Traditional Lee Sin, Lion Dance Kog’Maw, Grim Reaper Karthus, Headhunter Master Yi, Reaper Hecarim, Sanguine Garen, Sad Robot Amumu, Wicked Leblanc, Dragonwing Corki, Vindicator Vayne, Tribal Ryze, Jailbreak Graves, King Tryndamere, Officer Caitlyn, Black Belt Udyr, Blood Moon Akali, TPA Ezreal, Goalkeeper Blitzcrank, Sultan Gangplank, Super Galaxy Rumble, Samurai Yi, Vandal Twitch, Crime City Miss Fortune, Buccaneer Tristana, Executioner Mundo, Karate Kennen, Barbarian Sion, Runeborn Xerath, Ravager Nocturne, Warring Kingdoms Xin Zhao, High Noon Yasuo, Commando Galio, Infernal Mordekaiser, Count Vladimir, Bilgerat Rumble, Nurse Akali, Battlecast Xerath, Charred Maokai, Jaximus, Imperial Xin Zhao, Dark Crystal Ryze, Mad Hatter Shaco, Ionia Master Yi, Bloodstone Lissandra, Tango Evelynn, Panda Teemo, Noxus Hunter Anivia, Dragonslayer Jarvan IV, Blood Moon Shen, Blood Lord Vladimir, Freljord Ashe, Cottontail Teemo, Warrior Princess Sivir, Marble Malphite, All-star Akali, Valkyrie Leona, Debonair Jayce, Mercenary Katarina, Exiled Morgana, Pentakill Sona, Nightblade Irelia, Hillbilly Gragas, Resistance Caitlyn, Battlecast Vel’koz, Pax Sivir, Unchained Alistar, Heartseeker Ashe, Silverfang Akali, Tango Twisted Fate, Curling Veigar, The Mighty Jax, Festival Kassadin, Union Jack Fiddlesticks, Ice Toboggan Corki, Team Spirit Anivia, Whistler Village Twitch, Vancouver Amumu, Dragonblade Riven, Lunar Goddess Diana, Warring Kingdoms Tryndamere, Ice Drake Shyvana, Amethyst Ashe, Tundra Fizz, Bladecraft Orianna,  Fisherman Fizz, Pentakill Karthus, Battlecast Prime Cho’Gath, Viking Tryndamere, Road Warrior Miss Fortune, Augmented Singed, Arclight Varus, Pool Party Graves, Candy Cane Miss Fortune, Nutcracko, Happy Elf Teemo, Workshop Nunu & Willump, Snow Day Singed, Re-gifted Amumu, Winter Wonder Lulu, Silent Night Sona, Snowstorm Sivir, Ragdoll Poppy, Reindeer Kog’Maw, Old Saint Zilean, Santa Gragas, Earnest Elf Tristana, Snow Bunny Nidalee, Bad Santa Veigar, Dark Candy Fiddlesticks, Slay Belle Katarina, Snow Day Ziggs, Festive Maokai, Mistletoe Leblanc, Toy Soldier Gangplank, Muay Thai Lee Sin, Boneclaw Shyvana, Astronaut Teemo, Officer Vi, Angler Jax, Annie In Wonderland, Badger Teemo, Blacksmith Poppy, Butcher Urgot, Caterpillar Kog’Maw, Desert Trooper Garen, Dragon Knight Mordekaiser, Emerald Taric, Feral Warwick, Frozen Shen, Hextech Galio, Infernal Akali, Leopard Nidalee, Masquerade Evelynn, Matador Alistar, Molten Rammus, Mr. Mundoverse, Noxus Poppy, Phantom Karthus, Pharaoh Amumu, Professor Ryze, Red Baron Corki, Red Riding Annie, Safari Caitlyn, Sailor Gangplank, Sasquatch Nunu & Willump, Scuba Gragas, Sonoran Kog’maw, Spectacular Sivir, Swamp Master Kennen, The Magnificent Twisted Fate, Time Machine Zilean, Toxic Dr. Mundo, Transcended Kayle, Vizier Malzahar, Workshop Shaco, Yellow Jacket Shen, Popstar Ahri, Justicar Syndra, Shadow Evelynn, Shamrock Malphite, Mythic Cassiopeia, Nightraven Fiora, Subterranean Nautilus, Victorious Elise, Almost-Prom King Amumu, Sandstorm Katarina, Infernal Alistar, Pharaoh Nidalee, Pool Party Ziggs, Rocket Girl Tristana, Kingpin Twitch, Gentleman Cho’Gath, Firefighter Tristana, Prestigious Leblanc, Nunu & Willump Bot, Nottingham Ezreal, Highland Tryndamere, Acolyte Lee Sin, Bandit Sivir, Nightmare Cho’Gath, Celestine Soraka, Rageborn Mundo, Leprechaun Veigar, Muse Sona, Super Teemo, Rune Wars Renekton, Astronautilus, Superb Villain Veigar, Viridian Kayle, General Wukong, Major Ziggs, Battle Regalia Poppy, Bilgewater Katarina, Dreadknight Garen, Defender Leona, Hextech Sion, Alien Invader Heimerdinger, Blast Zone Heimerdinger, Piltover Customs Heimerdinger, Snowmerdinger, Haunted Zyra, Nosferatu Vladimir, Kitty Cat Katarina, Mundo Mundo, Lollipoppy, Pumpkinhead Fiddlesticks, Zombie Ryze, Bewitching Nidalee, Frankentibbers Annie, Definitely Not Blitzcrank, Haunting Nocturne, Zombie Brand, Haunted Maokai, Headless Hecarim, Headmistress Fiora, Pirate Ryze, Underworld Twisted Fate, Warlord Shen, Full Metal Jayce, Scarlet Hammer Poppy, Crime City Jinx, Darkforge Jarvan IV, Gragas, ESQ. Nemesis Jax, Urfrider Corki, Wildfire Zyra, Worlds 2013 Thresh, Gladiator Draven, Deep Terror Thresh, Sherwood Forest Ashe, Arctic Warfare Caitlyn, Pulsefire Ezreal, Frostblade Irelia, Dragonslayer Vayne, Piltover Customs Blitzcrank, Pool party Renekton, Pool Party Lee Sin, Pool Party Leona, Mecha Kha’zix, Forecast janna, Rumble in the Jungle, Justicar Aatrox, Huntress Sivir, Commando Jarvan IV, Warring Kingdoms Jarvan IV, Foxfire Ahri, Riot Graves, Riot Blitzcrank, Shockblade Zed, Neon Strike Vi, Firefang Warwick, Frosted Ezreal, Grungy Nunu & Willump, Spooky Gangplank, Crimson Elite Riven, Worlds 2012 Riven, Little Knight Amumu, Riot Girl Tristana, Arcade Sona, Aristocrat Vayne, Heartseeker Vayne, Volcanic Wukong, Jade Dragon Wukong, Darkflame Shyvana, Surfer Singed, Battle Bunny Riven, Headhunter Nidalee, Redeemed Riven, Dark Valkyrie Diana, Mad Scientist Ziggs, iBlitzcrank, Chosen Master Yi, Panda Annie, Pharaoh Nasus, Soul Reaver Draven, Spellthief Lux, Steel Legion Lux, French Maid Nidalee, Sorceress Lux, Goth Annie, Battleborn Kayle, Aether Wing Kayle.

Wards: Year of the Pig Ward, Tales From The Rift 2019 Ward, Rune Enthusiast Ward, Conqueror Ward, God Fist Ward, Eye of the Dragon Ward, Urf Ward 2015, Heartseeker Ward, Firecracker Ward 2015, Snowman Ward, Poro Ward, Gentleman Poro Ward, Astronaut Poro Ward, Worlds 2014 Ward, Sad Mummy Ward, Armordillo Ward, Sun Disc Ward, Gingerbread Ward, Mecha Ward, Golden Goal Ward, Dragonslayer Ward, All-star 2014 Ward, SKT T1 Ward 2013, Bouquet Ward, Gong Ward, Lantern of the Serpent Ward, Banner of the Serpent Ward, Banner of the Horse Ward, Season 3 Victorious Ward, Bat-O-Lantern Ward, Deadfall Ward, Haunting Ward, Tomb Angel Ward, Widow Ward, Starcall Ward


Chromas: Bronze / Silver / Gold / Platinum Victorious Kog’Maw, Gold Victorious Graves, Yellow/Red/Blue Lucian Prime, Black/Blue/Yellow Dragon Fist Lee Sin.


Level 71 EUW

882 VP, 5 Radianite,

All agents except: Clove, Deadlock, Gekko, Iso, Vyse




Classic – Premier Collision Classic

Shorty –

Frenzy – Ion Frenzy, Oni Frenzy

Ghost – Eclipse Ghost, Piedra Del Sol Ghost

Sheriff – Immortalized Sheriff, Magepunk Sheriff, Sentinels of Light Sheriff,


Stinger – Immotalized Stinger

Spectre – Ion Spectre


Bucky – Piedra Del Sol Bucky

Judge – Piedra Del Sol Judge


Bulldog – Oni Bulldog, Premier Collision Bulldog

Guardian – Immortalized Guardian

Phantom – Champions 2022 Phantom, Minima Phantom, Piedra Del Sol Phantom, Protocol 781-A Phantom, Radiant Crisis 001 Phantom,

Vandal – Glitchpop Vandal, Immortalized Vandal, Ion Vandal, Neptune Vandal, Oni Vandal, Origin Vandal, Prelude to Chaos Vandal, Prime Vandal,


Melee – Blastx Polymer Knifetech Coated Knife, Champions 2022 Butterfly Knife, Ion Karambit, Obsidiana, Onimaru Kunitsuna, Recon Balisong, Xenohunter Knife, Yoru’s Stylish Butterfly Comb

Sniper Rifles

Marshal – Premier Collision Marshal, Sovereign Marshal

Outlaw –

Operator – Elderflame Operator, Gravitational Uranium Neuroblaster Operator,

Machine Guns

Ares – Oni Ares, Premiere Collision Ares, Ion Ares

Odin –


Rank History:


Episode 5 / Act 3 – Gold 3

Episode 5 / Act 2 – Gold 2

Episode 5 / Act 1 – Gold 1

Episode 3 / Act 2 – Silver 2

Episode 3 / Act 1 – Silver 2

Episode 2 / Act 3 – Bronze 3


Here are some of the most important social SEO tags to include on your web pages:

  1. Open Graph Tags (Facebook):

    • og:title: The title of your page as it should appear when shared on Facebook.
    • og:description: A brief description of your page’s content.
    • og:image: The URL of an image to represent your page when shared.
    • og:url: The canonical URL of your page.
  2. Twitter Card Tags:

    • twitter:card: The type of card to be used when your page is shared on Twitter (e.g., summary, summary_large_image).
    • twitter:title: The title of your page as it should appear when shared on Twitter.
    • twitter:description: A brief description of your page’s content.
    • twitter:image: The URL of an image to represent your page when shared.
  3. Schema.org Markup:

    • schema.org/Organization: Provides information about your organization, such as name, logo, and contact details.
    • schema.org/Website: Provides information about your website, such as name and URL.
    • schema.org/BreadcrumbList: Helps search engines understand the hierarchy of your site’s pages.
  4. Meta Tags:

    • meta name="description": A brief description of your page’s content, used by search engines in search results.
    • meta name="keywords": A list of relevant keywords related to your page’s content.
    • meta name="author": The author of the page’s content.
    • meta name="viewport": Ensures proper rendering on mobile devices.
  5. Rel Tags:

    • rel="canonical": Specifies the preferred URL if you have multiple pages with similar content.
    • rel="next" and rel="prev": Indicates the relationship between pages in a series or pagination.
    • rel="author": Links to the author’s Google+ profile (deprecated).
  6. Favicons:

    • link rel="icon": Specifies the favicon for your website, which appears in browser tabs and bookmarks.
  7. Social Profile Links:
    • Link to your social media profiles using standard HTML anchor tags.

Here’s an example of how you can include some of these tags in your HTML:

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Remember to replace the placeholder values with your own content and URLs. By including these social SEO tags, you can improve the appearance and performance of your pages when shared on social media platforms and in search engine results.

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