September- On This Day 📆

On This Day In Michael Jackson HIStory – September 6th

On This Day In Michael Jackson HIStory – September 6th: Nuevo invento

On This Day In Michael Jackson HIStory – September 6th: Nuevo invento

Hoy, 6 de septiembre, marcamos un día especial en la historia de Michael Jackson, el Rey del Pop. En esta fecha, se recuerda un nuevo invento que muestra la increíble creatividad y visión de futuro de este icónico artista.

Michael Jackson no solo revolucionó la música y el baile, sino que también patentó un coselete antibalas en 1997. Este invento fue diseñado para ser usado durante sus actuaciones en vivo, permitiéndole realizar movimientos impresionantes mientras mantenía su seguridad.

Este nuevo invento es un recordatorio de la genialidad de Michael Jackson más allá de la música. Su legado continúa inspirando a fans y artistas de todas las generaciones, demostrando que su influencia trasciende el tiempo.

El 6 de septiembre es una oportunidad para celebrar la innovación y creatividad de Michael Jackson, un verdadero faro de inspiración en la industria del entretenimiento. Su nuevo invento es solo un ejemplo de cómo su mente visionaria siempre buscaba nuevas formas de sorprender y cautivar al mundo.

En este día, recordamos a Michael Jackson no solo por su música legendaria, sino también por su espíritu innovador. El nuevo invento patentado en 1997 es una prueba más de su increíble talento y dedicación por dejar una huella imborrable en la historia.

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  • Michael Jackson
  • 6 de septiembre
  • historia
  • nuevo invento
  • innovación
  • creatividad
  • Rey del Pop
  • música
  • baile
  • patente
  • coselete antibalas
  • invención
  • legado
  • icónico
  • faro de inspiración
  • fans
  • recordatorio
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1981– On their Triumph tour, the Jacksons perform at the Las Vegas Convention Center in Winchester, Nevada

1983 – Michael signs an agreement through his production company Optimum Productions, that will pay John Landis 50% of net profits from both the "Thriller" video and the documentary The Making of Thriller

1983 – Michael is presented by CBS with 36 gold and platinum plaques from 19 different countries, all for the Thriller LP and singles from it, at the San Diego presentation with Quincy Jones, CBS Records Group President Walter Yetnikoff and his staff.

1988 – On his Bad World Tour, Michael performs at the Linzer Stadion (closed-2021) in Linz, Austria

1989 -The MTV Video Music Awards were presented. Dominating the nominations with 9 were videos by none other than Michael. “Leave Me Alone”was nominated for Best Video, Best Special Effects, Best Art Direction, Best Editing, Breakthrough Video & the Viewer’s Choice Award.

“Smooth Criminal” was nominated for Best Dance, Best Choreography, and Best Cinematography. The outcome was disapointing with the only award for Michael’s video going to Jim Blashfield for Best Special Effects for his work on “Leave Me Alone”. Michael did not attend the award presentation.

1992– Michael cancels his concert in Gelsenkirchen Germany because of severe throat problems

1993 – On the 2nd leg of the Dangerous World Tour, Michael performs the last of two nights at the Taipei Municipal Stadium in Taipei, Taiwan to an audience of 40,000 fans

1993 – LaToya supports Michael on GMTV show in the UK

1993Newsweek magazine features Michael on their cover with the story: "Michael’s World – Is He Dangerous Or Just Off The Wall?"

1994 – At 11 a.m., Michael and Lisa Marie's stay comes to an end. They board the Concorde and take off for New York.

1996– In Prague, Czech Republic, Michael visits a children's hospital and orphanages to see ailing children and hand out presents, including a video recorder to one children’s home.

He also meets with the President at the time, Vaclav Havel, in the capital’s spectacular old castle and shows him around the presidential offices.

Later he rehearses for the opening night of the History Tour.

1997– On the HIStory World Tour, Michael performs at the Nuevo Estadio José Zorrilla in Valladolid, Spain

2001– Michael goes to Madison Square Garden to rehearse with Britney Spears, Whitney Houston & N'Sync.

In the evening, he makes a surprise appearance at the MTV Video Music Awards Ceremony at the Metropolitan Opera House, performing in front of a U.S. audience for the first time in years when he joined ‘NSYNC onstage at the MTV Video Music Awards

His cameo surprised the crowd and made headlines all over the world and was considered by observers and critics as the highlight of the show.

Apparently Michael wanted to get the dust off his signature black penny loafers 24 hours ahead of schedule.

Toward the end of the group’s performance of “Pop,” the words “King of Pop” appeared on a giant Etch a Sketch, only to be replaced by a silhouette of Jackson. As the oversized drawing device was elevated, Jackson, dressed in a white V-neck T-shirt and a black shirt and pants, came onstage and started to do the robot, pop-lock and show off his often-imitated spins and feet shuffling

Jackson’s only acknowledgement to the audience, which gave him a standing ovation, was a single point of the finger.

Dressed in his trademark white T-shirt and penny loafers, he did not join the group to sing but instead busted into a handful of some of his signature dance moves while ‘NSYNC member Justin Timberlake beatboxed to accompany him. It was a poetic moment, especially considering how much Timberlake was clearly inspired by Jackson. Michael’s return to the MTV stage made a big splash, and got the ball rolling on the buildup to his new album, Invincible

Janet also attends the MTV Video Music Awards.

2003 – Michael invites a group of fans to spend the day with him, Grace & the children at Neverland.

2005 – Raymone Bain announces that Michael has penned a new charity song named “From The Bottom Of My Heart” for the victims of the hurricane Katrina in New Orleans . He wants to record the song within the next two weeks with other recording superstars and will release it on 2 Seas Records, a label owned by Prince Abdullah & Jermaine Jackson.

2013– Day 80 of the Jackson vs AEG Live trial

2022TMZ Investigates: Who Really Killed Michael Jackson premieres at 8 p.m. on Fox


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