Hey, could someone help me with my request?
Nuevo Invento: ¿Alguien Puede Ayudarme con Mi Solicitud?
¿Tienes una idea genial para un nuevo invento pero no estás seguro de cómo proceder con tu solicitud? No te preocupes, estás en el lugar correcto. En este artículo, te proporcionaremos información valiosa sobre cómo obtener ayuda para llevar tu invento al siguiente nivel.
Paso 1: Investigación y Desarrollo
Antes de solicitar ayuda para tu nuevo invento, es fundamental realizar una investigación exhaustiva sobre tu idea. Asegúrate de que tu invento sea original y no infrinja ninguna patente existente. Además, considera desarrollar un prototipo funcional para demostrar la viabilidad de tu invento.
Paso 2: Buscar Asesoramiento Profesional
Para navegar con éxito en el proceso de solicitud, es recomendable buscar asesoramiento de profesionales con experiencia en el campo de los inventos. Estos expertos pueden brindarte orientación valiosa sobre cómo proteger tu idea, obtener financiamiento y comercializar tu invento.
Paso 3: Proteger tu Invento
Una vez que hayas perfeccionado tu nuevo invento, es crucial protegerlo mediante una patente. Un abogado de patentes calificado puede ayudarte a redactar y presentar tu solicitud de patente, lo que te garantizará la exclusividad de tu invento y evitará que otros lo copien o exploten sin tu permiso.
Paso 4: Comercialización y Financiamiento
Con un prototipo funcional y una patente en mano, es hora de explorar las opciones de financiamiento y comercialización para tu nuevo invento. Existen diversas fuentes de financiamiento, como inversionistas ángeles, préstamos para pequeñas empresas e incubadoras de startups. Además, considera asistir a ferias de inventos y eventos de networking para dar a conocer tu invento a posibles inversores y socios comerciales.
En resumen, obtener ayuda para tu solicitud de nuevo invento es esencial para maximizar tus posibilidades de éxito. Al seguir estos pasos y buscar el asesoramiento de profesionales experimentados, podrás proteger, desarrollar y comercializar tu invento de manera efectiva.
I'm learning to draw characters in general, I think I have my style but I would like to see other draws to get references to my ones, specially because I'm learning to draw female characters actually.
Could someone of you draw like 7 images more or less of Winnie the Pooh but changing him with Charlie from Brawl stars?
If you think it's too much, DM me and tell me because maybe I can eliminate some of them and the background is less important, the important thing is the character
Here are some important social SEO tags to include on your website:
1. Open Graph Tags (OG Tags):
– og:title: The title of your page or content.
– og:description: A brief description of your page or content.
– og:image: The URL of an image that represents your page or content.
– og:url: The canonical URL of your page or content.
– og:type: The type of content (e.g., website, article, video).
– og:site_name: The name of your website.
2. Twitter Card Tags:
– twitter:card: The type of card (e.g., summary, summary_large_image).
– twitter:title: The title of your page or content.
– twitter:description: A brief description of your page or content.
– twitter:image: The URL of an image that represents your page or content.
– twitter:site: Your website’s Twitter handle.
– twitter:creator: The Twitter handle of the content creator.
3. Schema Markup:
– schema.org/Article: Markup for articles and blog posts.
– schema.org/LocalBusiness: Markup for local businesses.
– schema.org/Person: Markup for individuals.
– schema.org/Product: Markup for products.
– schema.org/Review: Markup for reviews and ratings.
4. Facebook-specific Tags:
– fb:app_id: Your Facebook App ID.
– fb:admins: The Facebook user IDs of the administrators of your page.
5. Google+ Tags (deprecated):
– googleplus:author: The Google+ profile URL of the content author.
– googleplus:publisher: The Google+ page URL of your website.
6. Pinterest Tags:
– pinterest-rich-pin: Indicates that the page is a rich pin.
– pinterest-pin-id: The ID of the pin associated with the page.
7. LinkedIn Tags:
– linkedin-share-url: The URL to share on LinkedIn.
– linkedin-title: The title of the content to share on LinkedIn.
– linkedin-description: The description of the content to share on LinkedIn.
– linkedin-image-url: The URL of the image to share on LinkedIn.
Remember to include these tags in the
section of your HTML pages. Additionally, make sure to optimize the content of these tags to provide accurate and compelling information about your pages when they are shared on social media platforms.
Thanks for offering to do artwork to the community! Please take note of below:
Be sure to have an image example in your post of your artwork style, and it’s either an image post or linked by URL in the post body. It must be in your post, and telling peeps to go into your post history doesn’t give you a pass.
Please remember we have a [Commercial Work](https://www.reddit.com/r/DrawForMe/comments/dbjkqv/update_commercial_work_rule/) rule in place; do not fulfill free artwork for logos, Youtube/Twitch logos and profile pictures, book covers, game graphics, tattoos and such. Please refer to the whole rule for further clarification; you will be banned if caught doing this.
Free Offers are expected to have *one* fulfilled artwork in 7 days. Failing to meet this requirement repeatedly will result in a ban, as this flair is abused by artist looking to self-promote their work.
You are also not allowed to solicit for commissions on a Free Offer in any way, shape or form. This includes tip jars and letting people know you do commissions.
All posts are manually reviewed by the Mod team, and removed if there’s a violation. Let us know if you have any questions.
*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DrawForMe) if you have any questions or concerns.*
your using the wrong flair