Psa to junglers (and laners as well tbh): less ganking/fighting more farming wins games

Nuevo invento Psa para junglares (y laners también): menos ganks/peleas y más farmeo para ganar partidas

En el mundo de League of Legends, los jugadores siempre están buscando nuevas estrategias para llevar a su equipo a la victoria. Una tendencia reciente que ha ganado popularidad es el enfoque en el farmeo, especialmente para los junglares, pero también aplicable a los laners. Este enfoque se conoce como “nuevo invento Psa”.

¿Qué es el nuevo invento Psa?

El nuevo invento Psa se refiere a una estrategia en la que los junglares y los laners priorizan el farmeo por sobre los ganks y las peleas. La idea detrás de esta estrategia es que al acumular más oro y experiencia a través del farmeo, los jugadores pueden llegar a estar más fuertes en las etapas posteriores del juego y tener un mayor impacto.

¿Por qué funciona esta estrategia?

Hay varias razones por las que el nuevo invento Psa ha demostrado ser efectivo:

  1. A medida que los jugadores acumulan más oro y experiencia, pueden mejorar sus objetos y habilidades más rápidamente, lo que les da una ventaja en los enfrentamientos.
  2. Al enfocarse en el farmeo, los jugadores pueden minimizar el tiempo muerto y maximizar su eficiencia en la jungla y en las líneas.
  3. Al evadir peleas innecesarias, los jugadores pueden mantenerse en mejores condiciones para los enfrentamientos clave más adelante en el juego.

Cómo implementar el nuevo invento Psa

Para poner en práctica esta estrategia, los jugadores deben tener en cuenta lo siguiente:

  1. Priorizar el farmeo de monstruos y minions por sobre los ganks y peleas, especialmente en las primeras etapas del juego.
  2. Seleccionar campeones que sean fuertes en el farmeo y escalen bien en las etapas posteriores del juego.
  3. Establecer objetivos claros y comunicarse efectivamente con el equipo para coordinar los esfuerzos de farmeo y los enfrentamientos clave.

Mientras que el nuevo invento Psa puede no ser la estrategia ideal para todas las situaciones, definitivamente ha demostrado su efectividad en muchas partidas. Los jugadores que dominen esta estrategia pueden llevar a su equipo a la victoria al acumular una ventaja significativa a través del farmeo.

Etiquetas SEO: nuevo invento Psa, League of Legends, junglares, laners, farmeo, estrategia, ganks, peleas, oro, experiencia, victoria, objetos, habilidades, monstruos, minions, campeones, escalabilidad, objetivos, comunicación, equipo

Hi there! Im a top 10 morde on NA, as well as a top 1% graves just shy of top 200, top 2% olaf, top 2% zed, former rank 3 maokai (only dropped because i stopped playing cuz mao is boring as fuck) and top 200 nasus (both in baron and jg if im feeling off meta spicy).

Title says it: farming wins games. Im not gonna write an essay on the importance of tempo, but theres a trend right now of junglers—and almost always late game junglers—prioritizing responding to early game junglers (lee, twitch, vi etc) by ganking lanes (poorly) before level 5, before first objective, after enemy jungler ganks, and/or all of the above. Stop it.

I understand the impulse. You see enemy jg stacking, you see enemy laners getting fed. Your thought is to put a stop to it. The problem is if this trend is already in motion—the snowball has already started—youre not gonna stop that snowball playing from behind by fighting fire with fire. How do you put out a fire? With water. Whats water in the context of jungling? Gold. How do you get gold when playing from behind?

You guessed it: farming. If youre on tryn and you see the enemy xin is 500-1k ahead of you in gold because he (correctly) punished your braindead bot lane on reverse side of map pushing way too far at level 1 into enemy tower out of position, you dont go in and get cc’d by the enemy senna and die to poke from the enemy jinx or, worse, xin who didnt even leave top yet because hes still clearing krugs. You finish your blue buff, take scuttle, take big frog, then immediately rotate to bot river and take the second scuttle. 15-30 seconds later, you see xin facecheck bot scuttle and look at that, youre even in gold with xin after clearing krugs directly after second scuttle and rest of your camps before he can since he got distracted in top. He’ll catch up gold once he clears those camps he didnt get to yet, but for the rest of the game (assuming you arent dying constantly), his camps will be on a delayed timer compared to yours because he fucked up one time by prioritizing early kills over tempo, and eventually, whether in the context of you invading or any other countless possible scenario, this disparity in timers will matter significantly.

This is just one example but the point is kills/ganks are only worth so much gold (assuming no legendary bounty), and whatever that amount of gold is, camps will always and i mean always give you more. While the enemy is busy ganking, exposing themselves to risk and possibly dying in the process, youve got your camps timed perfectly, allowing you and your team to much more easily rotate for objectives because they arent half health from taking unnecessary fights 40 seconds before an objective spawns. You secure objectives, pick off any challengers since yoire likely ahead in farm at this point, they were late and cant contest, you take the free gold, and if jungler is dead, you check his camps that he likely panicked and didnt clear before rotating, you take those camps and wow youre now ahead in farm by 3k.

You might be thinking “ok so now i can int into tower and completely ruin momentum because i love big fight bam bam look my damage hehe” right? Wrong you incompetent scrub. You continue farming, furthering the gap between you and your opponent, and you keep doing the exact same thinf that got you here until the next objective, and then the next objective, and then the next objective and holy shit did you just win the game? You sure did because youre a big brain farmer chad and your opponents were small brain main character syndrome virgins who started to int into your towers when they panicked after losing the first objective team fight, allowing jg to punish them for being out of position and you to enjoy the free gold of enemies too stupid and impatient to sit back and farm themselves

Now i know what youre thinking: “but sensai eggbone, what do i do when the big mean scawy vi keeps camping my lane and i cant even fawm uwu?” The answer: nothing. You take the L, farm under tower while its possible to do so, and most, most fucking importantly, when it isnt safe to do that anymore, you leave. Yes thats right, you heard me correctly: when its 2v4 and they want your tower, you (wait for it)……let them take it.

😱 GASP 😱 you say. I know, it sounds crazy but heres the thing: the design of the game is as such that the more progress the enemy takes, the more opportunities are structurally implemented to comeback are presented. What does that word salad mean in laymans terms? It means waves are now closer to your nexus than theirs, making it harder for them to farm and easier for you.

“Wait, were back on farming now?” You ask


Heres the thing: theres no possible scenario, mechanic or phenomenon in this game that doesnt have counterplay. If your enemy is overly aggressive, and it feels like its working out well for them, the only reason its working out well for them is because youre allowing it to. Aggression is easily the worst strategy in the game? Why? Because it makes the aggressive vulnerable to punishes. This is true in literally every pvp type game imaginable: fighting games, mobas, mmos, shooters etc.. High risk high reward applies here of course, but the reason its high reward is that the risk of being punished for it is much higher than it is a safe option, assuming the aggressor isnt 5-10k ahead in gold. Even then, howeber, all it takes is one smart play from the disadvantaged to completely turn a game around.

Say theres an olaf yuumi that is just completely steamrolling over your entire team; thresh/leona cant peel for your backline, your ezrael simply cant out dps them before they invariably get to him, your syndra/lissandra got wrecked during lane phase by olaf so they do tickle damage to his spirit visage twin guard combo, your mundo is too immobile and squishy because he built hs into th first items, and that olaf with triforce is just too damn tanky and sustain to stop in most normal team fights.

Its 16:45. Olaf is clearing your camps while his laners are pushing toward nexus. Olaf, being ahead by 5k with a yuumi pocket, sees your jg, your adc and your sup coming to challenge. He pops ghost and speed trinket to try to ram his thunder wiener down all of your throats for the 5th time. You poke but immediately start kiting back toward t2/t1 tower. Olaf, wasting precious ult seconds is desperately trying to catch your ezrael who just flash->tpd into your tower. Insulted by this affront to his dominance, olaf yuumi charge headfirst into towrr knowing they can tank the damage. Which they can. What they dont consider, however, is while the rest of olafs team is charging in behind him, your mid and top laners are flanking and taking out his backline. Suddenly, olaf yuumi is doing alot less damage than ghey should be because now its quite literally 2v5. And while that t1 tower isnt doing the most damage to them, its not exactly doing only a little damage either. Now the olaf, either still fightijg under tower likr an idiot, or trying to retreat, is sandwiched in by your mid and top. Now you press in and apply pressure, the olaf is 30% health and is ignited. Olaf is panicking, yuumi (if she didnt pop her ult at beginning of skirmish) panic ults into your orange buff camp where none of your team is but where olaf is trying to run to. It does nothing, you pursue, olaf’s ult expires because he stopped fighting, thresh lands the most satisfying hook of his entire life (he jizzes), 10% health ezrael lands his combo, top laner locks him down and lands his damage combo, retreating ezrael pops his ult from the safety of nexus and olaf is dead, and much more satisfyingly so, yuumi is finally fucking dead.

The current time after all of this is 1745. Olaf has a 45 second respawn timer, his teammates at about 35. In 15 seconds frim now, , youll secure elder in about 15-20 seconds at most. Olaf still isnt respawning for another 10 seconds. You rotate to baron because you cant be challenged with elder so either the enemy team panic ints into baron and gets raid wiped, or they correctly push waves to slow momentum down preemptively for the coming baron elder push.

You push, you either win the fight and end or you at least get one to two inhibs. The only scenario in which you lose is that which you allow yourself ti lose for free.

This is true in this scenario as it is any.

The point is farming, patience, humility and tempo always, always win games, whether youre behind or youre ahead, and if you do these things and still lose, its because you did something wrong and allowed yourself to lose. Theres always a comeback, theres always a win con.

Now to address the elephant in the room: this isnt a 1v1 game. You have teammates and it is highly likely they are dog shit. And while yes, all of this advice would benefit them tremendously as it would anyone, unfortunately, it isnt really practical to copy paste this ted talk in game chat, so your performance and fundies can only carry you so far, of course. That said, you cant control your teammates, but you can influence them. Lead by example, do your absolute best, hope they follow your lead. Youd be surprised how often these bots will get their shit together when they notice how veiny, juicy and girthy your hog is.

To close: Stop the tilt. Stop the int. Some champs are better early, some champs are better late. Know which champs are which and farm accordingly. Your enemy will get impatient and int eventually because most wild rift players are braindead hardstuck scrubs who just wanna fight 24/7. And if youre losing games, its likely because youre that hardstuck scrub looking for fights 24/7. Dont be that scrub.

Embrace the zen path of the farmer, embrace the tempo, embrace the prio, embrace the wins. How? Well, uh, duh: Less fighting/ganking, more farming, stupid.

All this said, if you want practice with concepts like tempo, macro etc, i highly recommend the following champions: nasus/kayle for top, zed/graves for jungle, vlad for mid, vayne/trist for bot, and idk who to recommend for sup because bot is generally aids and i would never debase myself by queuing sup ew. The reason these champs are valuable isnt because theyre broken when played correctly (thiugh they are that), but because in order to win games with them, you have to, and i mean you fucking HAVE to play them as close to 100% robotically correctly as organically possible if you wanna win games with them.

This is easier said than done when first starting out witn them, but once you get them down, they are not only disgusting champions that all hard carry, but will have taught you invaluable lessons in fundamentals that can and very likely will stay with you and apply to any champion and role you play hence forth forevermore until the day you die may god have mercy on your soul. And with these champs, i highly recommend ignoring the top 3 recommended builds (also just in general) as the builds are almost always complete dog shit. Read what abilities and items do, figure out how they synergize, find your own build that compliments your playstyle, practice those builds in 1v1 duel and pvp, correct and adjust weakpoints, take into ranked, get recked a bunch of times, get recked less with each passing game, climb to top 10 on your champ, write an overly long winded and not really that funny tbh post on reddit, profit.

If you made it this far, im sincerely appreciative but i will say there are better uses of yoir time than getting good at a mobile game and spending 7 minutes reading a poorly structured and meandering essay from a stranger who probably went 0/11 in your game at some point. Beyond that, good luck and play smarter, not harder.


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