Human Fatality(ies)

Pitbull attacks and kills elderly woman in Chihuahua; the victim’s family granted pardon to the owner and the dog won’t be euthanized (Hidalgo del Parral, Mexico, 2024/08/19)

Nuevo invento: Ataque de pitbull mata a anciana en Chihuahua; la familia de la víctima perdona al dueño y el perro no será sacrificado (Hidalgo del Parral, México, 2024/08/19)

En un trágico incidente ocurrido en Hidalgo del Parral, Chihuahua, México, el 19 de agosto de 2024, un pitbull atacó y mató a una mujer de edad avanzada. A pesar de la gravedad del suceso, la familia de la víctima decidió perdonar al dueño del perro y solicitaron que el animal no fuera sacrificado.

El ataque ocurrió en la calle mientras la mujer paseaba cerca de su casa. El pitbull, que se encontraba fuera de su hogar sin supervisión, atacó a la víctima repentinamente, causándole heridas graves que lamentablemente resultaron fatales.

Ante este trágico evento, la familia de la víctima, en un acto de compasión y entendimiento, optó por perdonar al dueño del perro, reconociendo que el ataque no fue intencional. Además, solicitaron a las autoridades correspondientes que el pitbull no fuera sometido a eutanasia, argumentando que el animal no debería ser castigado por un instinto natural.

Este incidente ha generado un amplio debate en la comunidad local y en los medios de comunicación sobre la responsabilidad de los dueños de mascotas y la seguridad en el manejo de razas de perros consideradas potencialmente peligrosas, como los pitbulls. Autoridades locales y organizaciones de bienestar animal han aprovechado la oportunidad para enfatizar la importancia de la educación y la responsabilidad en la tenencia de mascotas para prevenir tragedias similares en el futuro.

La decisión de la familia de la víctima de perdonar y abogar por la vida del perro involucrado en el ataque ha sido elogiada como un acto de gran humanidad y compasión, destacando la necesidad de enfocarse en la prevención y la educación en lugar del castigo.

<br /> <title>Ataque de pitbull en Chihuahua: familia de anciana fallecida perdona y evita sacrificio del perro

On August 19, Marina Solis, a 62-year-old woman, was attacked by a pit bull dog named “Thomas”, who escaped from a mechanic shop. It was not until Tuesday afternoon that the body of the elderly woman was handed over to her relatives.

It all happened in the Kennedy neighborhood, in Hidalgo del Parral, in the state of Chihuahua, when Solis left his house and found the dog that had abandoned his owner's workshop.

According to initial reports, the woman received multiple bites in various parts of her body, the most serious being to her head. This attack caused her to suffer hypovolemic shock, which resulted in her death.

In this sense, the Forensic Medical Service carried out the corresponding autopsy and as mentioned, delivered the remains of the victim to his relatives this Tuesday so that they can carry out the funeral services.

On the other hand, it was reported that the Attorney General's Office of Chihuahua will not proceed with criminal actions in this case due to the “absence of conduct”, which constitutes an exception regarding the classification of the crime. Meanwhile, the owner of the dog tried to put the animal down after the attack, but the authorities intervened to prevent it.
Relatives of the 62 year-old woman killed by a pit bull dog, granted a pardon to the owner of the animal, who is taking care of the funeral expenses after the tragic event.

Relatives of the victim assured that there is nothing that can bring back the life of Marina Solis Carmona, who last Monday was attacked by this animal who escaped from the place she was guarding.

Thomas, as the pit bull is called, is being guarded since there have been threats against the animal through social networks and personally, since even people have come to try to kill him at the place where things happened.

They said that the facts were terrible, but they consider that it was an accident and reiterated that no punishment from justice or the sacrifice of Thomas will be able to give Marina back to them.

Last Monday morning the pit bull dog that was guarding the land where the business “Mofles Pacheco” is located, escaped from captivity and entered the patio of the deceased to attack her until it left her dead due to a hypovolemic shock in the middle of the street while she was trying to escape.


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  1. Copy of text post for attack logging purposes: [](

    On August 19, Marina Solis, a 62-year-old woman, was attacked by a pit bull dog named “Thomas”, who escaped from a mechanic shop. It was not until Tuesday afternoon that the body of the elderly woman was handed over to her relatives.

    It all happened in the Kennedy neighborhood, in Hidalgo del Parral, in the state of Chihuahua, when Solis left his house and found the dog that had abandoned his owner’s workshop.

    According to initial reports, the woman received multiple bites in various parts of her body, the most serious being to her head. This attack caused her to suffer hypovolemic shock, which resulted in her death.

    In this sense, the Forensic Medical Service carried out the corresponding autopsy and as mentioned, delivered the remains of the victim to his relatives this Tuesday so that they can carry out the funeral services.

    On the other hand, it was reported that the Attorney General’s Office of Chihuahua will not proceed with criminal actions in this case due to the “absence of conduct”, which constitutes an exception regarding the classification of the crime. Meanwhile, the owner of the dog tried to put the animal down after the attack, but the authorities intervened to prevent it.

    Relatives of the 62 year-old woman killed by a pit bull dog, granted a pardon to the owner of the animal, who is taking care of the funeral expenses after the tragic event.

    Relatives of the victim assured that there is nothing that can bring back the life of Marina Solis Carmona, who last Monday was attacked by this animal who escaped from the place she was guarding.

    Thomas, as the pit bull is called, is being guarded since there have been threats against the animal through social networks and personally, since even people have come to try to kill him at the place where things happened.

    They said that the facts were terrible, but they consider that it was an accident and reiterated that no punishment from justice or the sacrifice of Thomas will be able to give Marina back to them.

    Last Monday morning the pit bull dog that was guarding the land where the business “Mofles Pacheco” is located, escaped from captivity and entered the patio of the deceased to attack her until it left her dead due to a hypovolemic shock in the middle of the street while she was trying to escape.

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