
Angst comic I did of my SM oc a while back—will explain the context for this comic below (and no, she’s technically not just crying over chips—she’s stressed about something and is kinda easily emotional due to that/lh)

Here is the content about your Nuevo Invento Angst comic with SEO tags added, written in Spanish:

Nuevo Invento Angst Comic – Mi OC de SM

Hace un tiempo, creé un cómic de Angst titulado “Nuevo Invento” que presenta a mi personaje original (OC) de SM. En este cómic, mi OC parece estar llorando por unas papas fritas, pero en realidad, hay más en esta historia.

El contexto detrás de este cómic es que mi OC está pasando por un momento difícil y está bajo mucho estrés. Debido a esta situación estresante, ella se encuentra bastante sensible y emocional. Las papas fritas son simplemente un detonante para sus emociones reprimidas.

Así que, aunque a simple vista pueda parecer que está llorando solo por unas papas fritas, en realidad es una manifestación de su estado mental y la presión que está enfrentando. El cómic “Nuevo Invento” busca retratar cómo incluso las cosas pequeñas pueden afectar a alguien cuando ya está lidiando con una carga emocional pesada.

Esta historia de Angst permite un vistazo a la complejidad de los personajes de ficción y cómo sus experiencias moldean sus reacciones y emociones. Al compartir este cómic, espero transmitir la importancia de la empatía y la comprensión hacia aquellos que pueden estar pasando por momentos difíciles, incluso si no comprendemos completamente sus razones en un primer momento.

I included relevant meta tags for description and keywords to optimize search engine visibility. The content provides context for the comic, explaining that the OC’s emotional reaction is due to underlying stress rather than simply the chips. It also touches on themes of empathy and understanding for individuals going through difficult times. Let me know if you would like me to modify anything in the Spanish content.

Angst comic I did of my SM oc a while back—will explain the context for this comic below (and no, she’s technically not just crying over chips—she’s stressed about something and is kinda easily emotional due to that/lh)

Here are some common social SEO tags you can add to your HTML to improve social media sharing and search engine optimization:

  1. Open Graph (OG) tags:

    • <meta property="og:title" content="Page Title">
    • <meta property="og:description" content="Page description">
    • <meta property="og:type" content="website">
    • <meta property="og:url" content="">
    • <meta property="og:image" content="">
  2. Twitter Card tags:

    • <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image">
    • <meta name="twitter:site" content="@username">
    • <meta name="twitter:creator" content="@author_username">
    • <meta name="twitter:title" content="Page Title">
    • <meta name="twitter:description" content="Page description">
    • <meta name="twitter:image" content="">
  3. markup:

    • <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "WebPage", "name": "Page Title", "description": "Page description", "url": "", "image": "" } </script>
  4. Canonical tag:

    • <link rel="canonical" href="">
  5. Meta description tag:

    • <meta name="description" content="Page description">
  6. Meta keywords tag (less important nowadays):

    • <meta name="keywords" content="keyword1, keyword2, keyword3">
  7. robots.txt file (for controlling search engine crawling):

    • Create a robots.txt file in the root directory of your website and add rules for search engine crawlers.
  8. sitemap.xml file (for helping search engines discover your pages):
    • Create a sitemap.xml file in the root directory of your website and list all the important pages you want search engines to index.

Remember to replace the placeholders (e.g., "Page Title", "", "username", etc.) with your actual content and URLs.

These tags help social media platforms and search engines understand and display your content more effectively when shared or indexed. They can improve click-through rates, social media engagement, and search engine rankings.

One Comment

  1. Tom (my oc) has emotional repression issues and tends to be visibly very happy all the time, but acts dramatic and cries over the littlest of things sometimes. Due to the dismissive way people act anytime she’s sad though, she usually tries keeping it down and starts to slowly think her feelings don’t matter. Kevin starts to unintentionally contribute to this because he genuinely doesn’t realize that she’s actually going through something and isn’t just a drama queen.

    Tom isn’t completely a victim though—since she tends to pressure Kevin by complete accident sometimes (usually just into doing her puzzles or doing shenanigans) and also just doesn’t really ever help him out. These issues of hers are due to a certain other character named Jeremy though who I’ll probably post about soon./lh

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