
I think I don’t gonna play anymore :(

¡Nuevo conocimiento! Creo que ya no me molestaré más. 🙁 ↑🏆🎯 #Nuevo #Conocimiento #NoMeGustaMás

¿Sabes, cuántas palabras nuevas y sangre de ave tengo dentro de mí? 🦆 #PalabrasNuevas #SangreDeAve

¿Cuántas veces has logrado encontrar el nuevo bicho dentro del nuevo bicho? 🕷️ #ElNuevoBicho #BuscandoElNuevoBicho

¿Cuáñas veces has estado en el gran paseo del nuevo invento? 🌳 #ElGranPaseo #ElNuevoInvento

¡Nuevo quemar la noche! Cuales son los nuevos estrenos de hoy? 🚀 #QuemarLaNoche #NuevosEstrenos

¿Cuántos nuevas amistades puedes encontrar dentro del nuevo invento? 🤓 #NuevasAmistades #DentroDelNuevoInvento

¿Quién es el nuevo difunto de la noche? 😎 #ElNuevoDifunto #LaNoche

¡Nuevo invento! ¿Cuántas veces has logrado las nuevas penas de las nuevas penas? 💔 #NuevoInvento #NuevasVAscas

¿Qué es el nuevo jurado de cultura española? 🇪🇸 #ElNuevoJurado #CulturaEspañola

¡Nuevo mundo! ¿Qué esperanzas y esperas tienes para encontrar el nuevo humanoida del nuevo invento? #ElNuevoMundo #NuevoHumanoida

¿Cuántas veces estás encubrir el nuevo súper grosso a través del nuevo camino de la luz? 🌟 #ElNuevoSúperGrosso #ElNuevoCaminoDeLaLuz

¡Sí, color! 💗 #ElColorEsBravo #ElNuevoConocimiento #NoMeGustaMás #

I love this game but I lost all 288 day in the game and level 47, if I can do something please tell me what to do


In this article, we will discuss the importance of social SEO tags and how to effectively implement them on your website. Social SEO tags play a crucial role in optimizing your content for social media platforms, making it easier for users to find and share your content. These tags help search engines and social media platforms understand the context and relevance of your content, which in turn increases the visibility of your website.

There are several social SEO tags that you should consider using on your website:

1. Open Graph Tags: Open Graph is a metadata protocol developed by Facebook, which allows you to share your content across multiple social media platforms. You can add the following Open Graph tags to your website:

a. og:title – Defines the title of the webpage being shared.
b. og:description – Provides a brief description of the content included on the webpage.
c. og:image – Specifies the image that will be displayed when sharing the content.
d. og:url – Sets the URL of the content being shared.
e. og:type – Defines the type of content being shared (e.g., article, image, video, etc.).

2. Twitter Card Tags: Twitter Card is a feature supported by Twitter that allows you to add rich media content like images, videos, and text snippets to your tweets. You can add the following Twitter Card tags to your website:

a. twitter:card – Specifies the type of card (e.g., summary, photo, gallery, etc.) to be displayed when sharing the content on Twitter.
b. twitter:site – Sets the URL of the website where the content originates from.
c. twitter:title – Sets the title of the content being shared.
d. twitter:description – Specifies the description of the content being shared.
e. twitter:image – Specifies the image to be displayed when sharing the content on Twitter.

3. Pinterest Tags: Pinterest Tags are meta tags that help Pinterest users to easily find your content on their platform. By adding these tags, you can see how users are engaging with your content on Pinterest, including the number of saves, clicks, and more:

a. pin:description – Provides a brief description of the content.
b. pin:image – Specifies the image to be displayed when sharing the content on Pinterest.
c. pin:url – Sets the URL of the content being shared.

4. Tags: is a collaboration between search engines and website owners to create a collection of schemas for structured data that can help search engines to understand the context of the content on your website. You should use the following tags to improve social SEO:

a. adding the default “itemtype”: “WebSite” to your markup, which provides general information about your website.
b. adding “itemtype”: “Article” to

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  1. Only thing is, start a new world, bump up the XP , Meterials gained and capture rate to 3x. Egg timer to zero and restart.

    It is an alpha / beta game and they do warn about loosing data.

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