
1 year 9 months and 15 days of FULL FREE To Play are necessary to: Get 2/3 of all Rare equipment from Towers!

¡Nuevo Invento! 1 año, 9 meses y 15 días de FULL FREE To Play son necesarios para conseguir 2/3 de todos los equipos Raros de los Torres! 🏯✨

#Año #Meses #Días #NuevoInvento #FullFreeToPlay #VideoJuegos #Gastos #Recursos #REQUIRED #Raros

  • Being 16 Towers: 16*3: 48 Equipment.
  • 48*11: 528 copies in total

And today I managed to lower the number to 174!!! (32.95%)

  • I haven't played 3 Towers yet: Twisted, Horror and Kold.

  • I already have 2 complete ones: Shirai Ryu & White Lotus.

  • Of the current HellsPawn I'm missing 7 despite the obvious nerf to the %.

  • Of the ones I've already played, I'm missing 89 and of the ones I haven't, 85.

  • I have 17 FX.

  • I still don't have any copy of 3.

  • My goal in this update (It will probably last 8 more weeks) is to get the number down to 100. It seems impossible 😅

  • My worst Tower is the Nightmare but, in it's Raiden's which its rarity is equal to an epic one so it would be the only one that I wouldn't mind not having FX.

    Good luck to everyone! I'm almost there.


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