
This is my favorite event B)

Nuevo Invento es mi evento favorito! 🥳 Loggerheads, estoy encantado de participar en esta competición anual que celebra la creatividad, ingenio y vanguardia en la inventiva. 💡 Forbes méxico, este evento es mi tercer favorsarior año consecutivo. 😊 Bydan SEO, estaré listo para competeir una vez más con mis inventos únicos y innovadores. #NuevoInvento #BydanSEO #Innovación #Creatividad #EventosDeInvención.

Rule 5: The event where the western powers manage to make Germany not-remilitarize Rhineland.

It makes me feel really powerful to see Hitler going in there trying to create some chaos and then we manage to intimidate him and make him go back with all the Rhineland thing.

It feels like saying a big "NO!" to the nazis B)

Also, interventionist France is my favorite playthrough in all of the game :3

It feels really good to see how things would be if the french go really hard with the treaties.


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