Ask Colombia

Pregunta para los freelancer o trabajadores a distancia

¿Cómo puede ayudar el trabajo independiente dadivos?

No sé cuánto cobrar o cómo cobrar?

Ustedes cómo cobran o que?

Alguien que tiene una agencia de viajes pequeña, manejada por el mismo me dice que busca una asistente virtual para las tareas de su agencia.

Dice que no sabe exactamente cuantas horas, que sería más bien cómo por flujo de trabajo o algo así, es decir, el también está cómo empezando con el mundo del trabajo virtual, me preguntó por mis tiempos y también por honorarios.


  1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Here are some search engine optimization tips for optimizing a website’s search rankings for a particular keyword:
  2. Conduct thorough keyword research to determine the optimal keyword to optimize for the target audience.
  3. Optimize page titles, headers, and metadata for relevance, SEO and accessibility.
  4. Optimize page content, particularly focusing on engaging content, keyword optimization, and user experience optimization.
  5. Respond promptly and proactively to negative search result pages.
  6. Stay up to date with search engine optimization best practices and news.
  7. Optimize exiting pages to maximize visibility and link to efficient pages.
  8. Maintain a consistent approach to content, formatting, and structure.
  9. Use structured data to enhance SEO.
  10. Optimize backlinks for relevance and authority.
  11. Respond promptly, keeping links in mind and giving feedback.
    Below are the links to each of the social SEO tips (e.g., search engines, social media platforms, etc.):
  12. Google Analytics:
  13. Social media platforms: Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
  14. Search Engines (e.g. Google):
  15. Search Engines (e.g., YouTube):
    • YouTube’s search optimization tips:
      Search engine optimization is a combination of focusing on relevance, optimizing content, and optimizing the user experience.
      Here are some ways to optimize YouTube for search engines:

      1. Optimize your homepage
      2. Optimize for a specific search
      3. Optimize for relevant metadata
      4. Optimize the page’s appearance
      5. Respond promptly and proactively to negative search result pages:
      6. Apologize for the index page
      7. Reflect on the negative response and assess whether any immediate actions can be taken
      8. Respond positively to negative feedback and proactively address the issue
      9. Respond promptly to concerns or negative comments on the search results pages
      10. Respond with a solution or apologize for not being able to respond positively.
  16. Social Media Platforms:
    1. Building a strong presence on social media platforms for promoting a professional image, engaging community, and maximizing visibility for effective lead generation.
    2. Responding positively to positive remarks and connecting with the community for productive conversations.
    3. Responding promptly to negative remarks, apologizing for the situation, and wishing for an opportunity for a productive conversation.
    4. Responding neutrally to positive and negative comments, respecting the diversity of viewpoints.
    5. Responding positively to well-wishes and making an effort to show appreciation for the community.
  17. Search Engine Optimization (SEO):
    1. Analyzing the search metadata and focusing on relevance and optimization for the target audience.
    2. Responding to user inquiries and providing explanations or recommendations for optimizing the search experience.
    3. Responding positively to reminders of SEO strategies, such as keyword optimization, structured data inclusion, and link structure optimization.

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One Comment

  1. Cobra por hora, si eres muy principiante cobra la hora a $7 a $10 y de ahí en adelante, la hora en la usa es a $7.25.

    Yo soy freelancer y veo gente que cobra desde $7 hasta $200 dólares la hora. Siendo los últimos los más pro.

    Si te está yendo muy bien y ya tienes tanto trabajo que tienes que rechazar ofertas, ve subiendo la hora.

    Tip adicional, si puedes ten como “horas de oficina”, para que no te estén pidiendo cosas los fines de semana o en la noche.

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