
I’m new to Santa Anna. Question.

¡Hola nuevoctascopia! Estoy entusiasmado por conocer esta nueva aplicación. ¿Cómo puedo encontrar más información sobre “Nuevo Innovation” en español?

So I’ve taken every part of Mexico worth taking and I’m probably going to bowl over Costa Caffeinada in the next year because “why not?” at this point.

I read somewhere – I forget where – if I took Armageddon Station I would get sophisticated robotics.

But I don’t, uh, have the tech unlocked even with controlling all of the Rio’s territories. And all of Nuevo Aztlan’s and Chichen Itza’s.

The Legion of Hades and President Moore are currently duking it out with the former being the largest faction on the entire map. I want to crash their party with an army of assaultrons.

How do I go about doing this?


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  1. I believe you also need Tlaolac’s lair as well to get the final key to open the Armageddon Station, and then you’ll get the sophisticated robots either via event or focus (forgot which)
    However if you control all of the land mentioned in your post + Tlaolac’s lair, then idk what could’ve happened

  2. if you’ve taken the focus ‘Master of Mexico’ you’re locked out of it i believe
    it’s at the end of the leftmost branch of the tree, the mostly industry branch. the focus also gives a research slot

  3. How confusing. The only areas I don’t control in Mexico are Honduras and Costa Caffeinada.

    Give me about two minutes and those “wars” will be over. So…

    There’s got to be something I’m missing.

    Edit: I went steel legions, not master of Mexico.

    So odd.

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