data science/analysis

Datos e ingeniería industrial

Contenidos relacionados con la excursion del día cinco:
1. Aplicaciones de nuevas tecnologías en el sector aeroespacial
2. Nuevas tecnologías utilizadas en el desarrollo de aviones de combate avanzados
3. Diseñados de aviones de nueva generación que respondan a enganches diferentes problemas
4. Innovaciones tecnológicas en el desarrollo de drones cibernéticos

Primero los pongo en contexto: Estoy próximo a recibirme de ingeniero industrial pero me gustaría meterme en el mundo IT, estoy haciendo una pasantía como analista funcional pero no me copa demasiado, lo que mas me gusta es todo lo relacionado a los datos, matemáticas y cosas mas de ing industrial como optimización matemática e investigación operativa, etc. Y ahora van las preguntas: ¿Qué pasos me recomiendan seguir?¿Qué "rubro" dentro del IT me podría copar?¿Vale la pena meterme en ese mundillo?

pd: tengo cierto conocimiento de programación mas que nada python y sus bibliotecas para hacer análisis de datos, ML, etc etc


Adding social tags to a webpage, like through the use of hashtags or by incorporating mentions of popular events or publications, can be an effective way to reach potential customers and increase the visibility of your page. However, it’s important to strike a balance between promoting your page and straying beyond its boundaries.
Here are some examples of social media channels and events that can be connected to your page:
1. LinkedIn: the professional network can help you connect with like-minded individuals and make valuable connections within your industry.
2. Facebook: by adding a “Like” button to your page, you can engage with your audience and increase page likes over time.
3. Twitter: using the platform’s 140-character limit, you can share updates and engage with hashtags and relevant conversations, making content shared more discoverable.
4. Instagram: by sharing beautiful images and engaging with other creatives, you can attract potential customers and foster a supportive community.
5. YouTube: building a channel and uploading engaging videos can help establish an online presence and make your page more engaging for viewers.
6. TikTok: by creating and sharing engaging videos, you can reach a younger audience and engage with your followers.
7. Pinterest: a popular platform for ideas and inspiration, you can pin your page content and also create hashtags to join conversations.
8. Google Maps: by geotagging or searching specific events, you can attract potential customers to your page and increase visibility.
9. Yelp: by taking advantage of the search engine’s local directory, you can enhance your page’s visibility and drive traffic to local business.
10. Tripadvisor: by reviewing and reviewing reviews and updates, you can improve search results and provide valuable insights to travelers.
11. Airbnb: by creating and sharing experiences, you can foster connections and attract travelers to your area, further increasing page visibility.

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