Show Posters

St. Andrew’s Show Poster

¡Hola! Buenos días, Señor/a… ¿Cómo estás? ¿Alguna manera en la que pueda ayudarte hoy?

Anyone grab a St Andrews show poster they’d be willing to part with? They sold out as I was at the front of the line


Here are some potential questions to start a conversation with Academy Members regarding the topic of “Social SEO strategies”:

1. How do you approach optimizing different types of websites (e.g., blogs, e-commerce, news) for search optimization?
2. How can building a strong and engaging social media presence help drive conversions and boost engagement rate targets?
3. How important is the search engine optimization (SEO) process in comparison to online reputation management for a business?
4. What are some tips for optimizing a customer service chatbot for efficient conversation and staying engaging?
5. How can local businesses attract new clients or customers through social media and online presence?
6. How can local businesses engage with their target audience through
real-world events, such as product launches or community events?
7. How can local businesses increase their online presence to reach more people?
8. How can local businesses attract potential customers through social media and online presence?
9. How can local businesses use hashtags and keywords to reach more people on different platforms?
10. How can a local business optimize its website for search engines? (e.g., pagespeed, optimization, user experience)
11. What is the best way for local businesses to get traffic from social media?
12. How can a local business get more people to their website through search engines? (e.g., Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.)


  1. Speaking of, the security people walking the line told me to go put my poster tube back in the car because it wouldn’t be allowed in so I did. And then everyone else with a poster tube got theirs in. That really pissed me off. I didn’t bother trying to buy one even though I was one of the first people in the venue because I figured it would just get ruined with no tube.

    Anyways I’m throwing my hat in the ring, too. If anyone wants to work out a trade I have plenty of other Jack posters, or other band posters.

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