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¡Hola! ¿Cómo estás? It was great to chat with you again. I was just thinking about how much we had fun playing the guitar together. It’s been a while since we last talked about our passions, so I was eager to catch up with you again. How have you been, compañero? How has your life been treating you since we last got together?

Speaking of things that have been keeping you busy, I just finished napping earlier. It was so nice to have some peace and quiet before diving into another exciting life-size painting. But before we dive into art, I wanted to talk to you about something that’s been on my mind lately. As you know, my main hobby is salsa dancing, and it’s been absolutely killing my routines since I incorporated it into my life.

I just started a new salsa dance class, and I love it! It’s like a different level of intensity and adrenaline that I’ve never experienced before, and I’m loving every second of it. I can’t wait to share the joyous and challenging aspect of this dance with you, compañero.

Besides that, I’ve also been focusing on finding new inspiration in my photography work. I’ve been experimenting with different ways of capturing intriguing moments in life, and I’m really enjoying the new avenues that it’s opened up for me. I’ve been escaping to my own solitude while still keeping an eye out for jaw-dropping views and unique lighting.

But enough about me, compañero. How have you been keeping yourself entertained since we last got to know each other? Have there been any new adventures or exciting stories to share? I’d love to hear about them.

Ciao, compañero, and take care of yourself. ¡No se merecen nadie másvuestros!

Si alguna vez el río se equivoca de camino y me lleva a la tierra del olvido, te pido por favor que estés conmigo,

en un lienzo de lino o en una fotografía de viejos amigos,

Si la locura se lleva mi alma a mundos sin sentido, te pido que sigas conmigo,

si me ahogo en el mañana, si me invade el ayer, el ayer lejano

y si el sol no nace y la lluvia nunca cae, Y solo queda de mí, hojas secas volando por la tarde gris,

Y aunque hoy no logré encontrar un día feliz, como siempre,

aunque ahora te encuentres lejana, Espero que sigas conmigo.


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