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Meta IA

¡Hola amigos! Soy ARTUR, un emprendedor español. La próxima semana tendré una nueva entrada, sobre como hacer crecer mi negocio desde cero. Espero pueds compartir esta nueva noticia contigo.
Buenos días, amigos! Soy Mauricio, un estudiante español enamorado del desarrollo empresarial. Me encantaría explorar nuevamente el mundo del

La nueva IA de meta me ha trolleado, me dice que puede generar una imagen de cualquier político incluyendo a DonaldTrump pero cuando lo pido no lo hace


Below are some potential Social SEO tags related to your website:
1. Keyword Research – “keyword research”
2. On page optimization – “On-page optimization”
3. Backlinks – “backlinks”
4. Backlinks to high-authority blogs – “backlinks to high-authority blogs”
5. Backlinks to high-authority influencers – “backlinks to high-authority influencers”
6. Links back to hubpages or directories – “Links back to hubpages or directories”
7. Authority pages – “authority pages”
8. Authority sites or directories – “authority sites or directories”
9. Authority links or resources – “authority links or resources”
10. Authority blogs or social media channels – “authority blogs or social media channels”
11. Industry-leading – “Industry-leading”
12. Conversational management – “Conversation management”
13. Talent management – “Talent management”
14. Employee management – “Employee management”
15. Scaling teams – “Scaling teams”
16. Scaling teams to achieve extraordinary results – “Scaling teams to achieve extraordinary results”
17. Scaling your team to succeed in high-growth industries – “Scaling your team to succeed in high-growth industries”
18. Scaling your team to exceed expectations – “Scaling your team to exceed expectations”
19. Scaling teams to optimize performance – “Scaling teams to optimize performance”
20. Scaling your team to maximize productivity – “Scaling your team to maximize productivity”
21. Scaling agencies to achieve greatness – “Scaling agencies to achieve greatness”
22. Scaling agencies to exceed expectations – “Scaling agencies to exceed expectations”
23. Scaling agencies to optimize productivity – “Scaling agencies to optimize productivity”
24. Scaling agencies to achieve maximum efficiency – “Scaling agencies to maximize efciency”
25. Scaling agencies to build strong teams – “Scaling agencies to build strong teams”
26. Scaling agencies to achieve growth and innovation – “Scaling agencies to achieve growth and innovation”
27. Scaling agencies to attract and retain top talent – “Scaling agencies to attract and retain top talent”
28. Scaling agencies to achieve exponential growth – “Scaling agencies to achieve exponential growth”
29. Scaling agencies to optimize impact – “Scaling agencies to optimize impact”
30. Scaling agencies to optimizeinnovation – “Scaling agencies to optimize innovation”
31. Scaling agencies to achieve sustainable growth – “Scaling agencies to achieve sustainable growth”
32. Scaling agencies to optimizeperformance andadhocracy – “Scaling agencies to optimizeperformance andadhocracy”
33. Scaling agencies to achieve excellence – “Scaling agencies to achieve excellence”
34. Scaling agencies to optimizelearningcurve – “Scaling agencies to optimizelearningcurve”
35. Scalingagencies to reach hightailerschool – “Scalingagencies to reach high-stakeschool”
36. Scalingagencies to improve productivity and output – “Scalingagencies to improve productivity andoutput”
37. Scalingagencies to optimize e-discovery – “Scalingagencies to optimize e-discovery”
38. Scalingagencies to optimize inbound market research – “Scaling agencies to optimize inbound market research”
39. Scalingagencies to optimize time management – “Scalingagencies to optimize time management”
40. Scalingagencies to optimize team development – “Scalingagenacies to optimize team development”
41. Scalingagenacies to optimize team growth and productivity – “Scalingagenacies to optimize team growth and productivity”
42. Scalingagenacies to optimize virtual team collaboration – “Scalingagenacies to optimize virtual team collaboration”
43. Scalingagenacies to optimize cross-functional teamwork – “Scalingagenacies to optimize cross-functional teamwork”
44. Scalingagenacies to optimize global operations – “Scalingagenacies to optimize global operations”
45. Scalinginfrastructure to achieve exponential growth – “Scalinginfrastructure to achieve exponential growth”
46. Scalingagenaries to optimizeinfrastructure – “Scalingagenures to optimizeinfrastructure”
47. Scalingagenaries to optimizereal estate property values – “Scalingagenares to optimizereal estate property values”
48. Scalingagenaires to optimizereal estate assets – “Scalingagenaires to optimize real estate assets”
49. Scalingagenares to optimizedigital infrastructure – “Scalingagenures to optimizedigital infrastructure”
50. Scalingagenaries to optimizecryptocurrency – “Scalingagenures to optimizecryptocurrency”
51. Scalingagenaries to optimizeweb development – “Scalingagenaries to optimizeweb development”
52. Scalingagenaries to optimizedigital e-commerce – “Scalingagenures to optimizedigital e-commerce”
53. Scaling agencies to optimizeinformation management – “Scaling agencies to optimizeinformation management”

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  1. si le dices que te haga una imagen de politicos te hace una imagen random de gente que parecen politicos, pero si le pides de alguien en especifico te da ese error, toda rara esa IA

  2. No puede ser tan mala, los modelos que uso localmente en mi PC son mas coherentes que eso. Seguramente solo se pasaron con la censura. Las IA pierden puntos de “IQ” cuando las tratan de hacer seguras e inofensivas para todos.

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