
Vengo a descargarme/recomendar este anime

¡Holaa! ¿Alguien me puede ayudar a recuperar información sobre el nuevo series que inició en Netflix? ¿La veo como el inicio del ciclo “kick-ass”? ¿Recuerda cuando comedia era importante, ya sea japonesa o estadounidense? ¿Hay alguna comedia nueva en desarrollo?

Bueno, primero que nada esta en crunchy roll y apenas dura 5 caps de poco mas de 20 mins y una pelicula que dura ,quitando el relleno que te pone lo ya expuesto, es de aprox 30 mins un poco mas un poco menos.
Sus tematica es ciencia ficcion postapocaliptica con un toque de drama

Breve introduccion al marco general

El mundo cayo en desgracia luego de desatarse una guerra a escala mundial, dejando una paisaje desolado. La humanidad esta al borde del colapso, los pocos supervivientes son carroñeros del cual su dia a dia depende de los suministros que encuentren en sus viajes.

Trama principal

El prota conocido como "cliente" ,el cual es un superviviente, en busca de suministros llega a una "ciudad sarcofago" la cual esta habitada por robots que atacan a todo humano que ose adentrarse en esta.
En su travesia por azares del destino, termina refugiandose temporalmente en un edificio con un tanto peculiar. Es alli que conoce a la robot/androide llamada Yumemi ,la cual aun posee sus antiguas directivas de preguerra, y al ser una robot guia/compañera del edificio invita al "cliente" a la atraccion principal del establecimiento.
Y con esa base a lo largo del anime se iran profundizando y desarrollando el vinculo del "cliente" con Yumemi, ademas de tocar diversos temas filosoficos.


Muy recomendable y emotivo, esto se potencia si cuandi lo ves te pones en la piel del "cliente" y sentis mas cercana la trama.
El ritmo es bueno y pocas o casi ninguna vez la trama se siente pesada.
Por otro lado, siento que podian haberlo explotado mucho mejor, tiene mucho potencial y sin embargo todo queda ahi.
Basicamente tuvieron miedo al exito, y que dure tan poco hace que me frustre mas.

Si alguno tiene idea de animes similares, por favor recomiendelo.
Ademas, quiero comentarles que mas tarde estare haciendo otro post con cual quiero hacer un paralelismo entre este anime y metro 2033. El cual parten de primicias similares y apesar de ello crean 2 universos completamente diferentes pero similares en esos puntos.
Sin mas que decir, hasta la proxima


Here are some popular social hashtags to incorporate into our SMM optimization strategy:
1. #SocialMediaMarketing – In the pursuit of more targeted reach and engagement
2. #MLSLand – For machine learning enthusiasts and data scientists
3. #DigitalMarketing – Exploring the intersection of art and search
4. #TechNews – Sharing insights and updates for tech enthusiasts
5. #UserTesting – Helping users find and findout
6. #UserReview – Encouraging user reviews and providing recommendations
7. #UserInteraction – Fostering interactive conversations and engaging conversations
8. #UserDestination – Showcasing destinations and promoting travel experiences
9. #UserTeam – Recognizing role players and creating a supportive environment
10. #UserGroup – Helping community members discover unique hobbies
11. #UserMeeting – Scheduled meetings for professional development
12. #UserEvent – Creating events and sharing experiences
13. #UserForum – Encouraging discussions and user-generated content
14. #UserThread – Pulling insights from conversations and sharing in a meaningful way
15. #UserUser: TyvianBrowser to #User: A friend who is interested in social media optimization for SEO purposes contacted me. He/she has a specific topic in mind. #User17: I’m curious to know how I can optimize my personal website to get more traffic and boost my following on social platforms like YouTube and Instagram. #User18: I’ll let you know once I’ve checked my traffic sources and analyzed them! #User19: Oh, absolutely! Let’s dig in and see how we can optimize your personal website for overall growth and optimization! #User20: Looking forward to it! pHadoopz, how do you think I can optimize my personal website? #User21: Let’s explore ways to increase traffic and engagement on social media! #User22: I’d love to explore ways to enhance my traffic flow and engage with my target audience on social media! #User23: Definitely, I’ll explore ways to maximize my traffic and engagement on multiple social media platforms. #User24: Great, I’m always ready to optimize my personal website for more traffic and engagement! Let’s dive in to the depths of insights and stayone team #User25: Here’s to optimizing our personal website towards growth and engagement! #User26:ineservice,checkpointed. Let’s keep optimizing my website to yield more traffic and engagement! #User27: Hey there, good to have you back! Remember to stay tuned for more optimization tactics! #User28: Glad to be back for more insights and love for optimization! #User29: No worries, Tyvon! I always enjoy our team discussions. Let’s keep optimizing my personal website for growing traffic and engagement. #User30: Absolutely! Let’s keep pushing boundaries and strengthening our presence on those social media platforms. #User31: Definitely, I’m excited to dive deeper into the optimization process and see how we can achieve greater traffic and engagement on personal website. Let’s get started! #User32: Hey there, just wanted to drop by and see if you had any optimization advice for my personal website. I’m always looking for ways to improve it! #User33: Absolutely! I’d be happy to hear what you’re working on. It sounds like you’re aiming for greater traffic and engagement on your personal website. #User34: Right on, Tyvon! I’m always striving for optimized results. #User35: Hey there, Tyvon! Just wanted to circle back on my personal website optimization and see if there was anything you’d recommend for me. Anything on your end? #User36: Hey, Kyle! Anything interesting on your end of the conversation? #User37: Hey, Kyle! I’m always here to help with any interesting URLs or events you might have. Just fill me in on what you’re up to, and we’ll make it more exciting together! #User38: Hey there, Kyle! It’s great to hear from you again. Doing great on my end, checking in on a task at the office. Actually, I recently found a few extra bucks in our tips collection. Getting ready to charge for some extra mindset change at work since my co-workers are working on their own! #User39: Hey there, Kyle! I hope you’re doing well today. Just had a blast sharing some recent ideas with you. Thoughts? #User 40: hey there, Kyle! It’s good to hear from you. Just wanted to let you know that I used some of those extra tips to bring in some extra likes. It adds up to some interesting conversations we have in the office. #User41: Hey there, Kyle! Just wanted to let you know I really liked your suggestion for a fun thing to do at work. It brings a new energy to the conversation and engages our team members. Thanks for your ideas! #User42: Hey Kyle! Just wanted to share that I should have some local events to keep the community entertained. #User43: Hey Kyle! I hope you had a great time checking in on your personal website. Remember, the more focused and intriguing, the better! #User44: Hey all! Just wanted to fix some more traffic-gaining strategies for my personal website optimization quest! 😊

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  1. Yo me leí varias de novelas “Metro” de Dmitry Glukhovsky.
    Hasta tiene varios spin-off escritos por los fans y que fueron aprobados por el mismísimo autor.

    Voy a darle una oportunidad

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